What Are The Applicable Occasions For Planetary Gear Reducer?
Planetary gear reducer is a good helper for industry, why do you say that? The main reason is that planetary reducers are used in industry, which can bring great convenience to the use of industrial equipment. So do you know where planetary reducers need to be used in industry? Below, I will give you a detailed introduction to the occasions where the planetary reducer needs to be used.
1. Heavy load and high precision:
This is required when the load must be moved and precise positioning is required. Generally, automation equipment such as aviation, satellite, medical, military technology, wafer equipment, robots, etc., their common feature is that the torque required to move the load often exceeds the torque capacity of the servo motor itself, and the planetary reducer This problem can be effectively solved by increasing the output torque of the servo motor.
2. Increasing torque:
The method of increasing the output torque may be to directly increase the output torque of the servo motor, but this method not only requires the use of an expensive and high-power servo motor, the motor must have a stronger structure, and the increase in torque is positive. Compared with the increase in the control current, the use of a relatively large driver at this time, the increase in the specifications of power electronic components and related electromechanical equipment, will also greatly increase the cost of the control system.
3. Increase the efficiency of use:
In theory, increasing the power of the servo motor is also a way to increase the output torque. The power density of the servo system can be increased twice by increasing the speed of the servo motor twice, and there is no need to increase the drive and other control systems. The specifications of the components do not need to increase additional costs, and this requires the use of planetary reducers to achieve the purpose of increasing torque. Therefore, the development of high-power servo motors must be combined with planetary reducers. The planetary reducer is not omitted.
4. Improve performance:
It is understood that improper matching of load inertia is one of the biggest reasons for the instability of servo control. For large load inertia, the inverse square of the reduction ratio can be used to adjust the best equivalent load inertia to obtain the best control response. So from this point of view, the planetary reducer is the best match for the control response of servo applications.
5. Increase the service life of the equipment:
The planetary reducer can also effectively solve the attenuation of the motor’s low-speed control characteristics. Because the controllability of the servo motor will cause a certain degree of attenuation due to the decrease in speed, it is especially easy to see the stability of signal acquisition and current control at low speeds. Therefore, the use of a planetary reducer can make the motor have a higher speed.
6. Reduce equipment cost:
From the cost point of view, assuming that a 0.4KW AC servo motor is used with a driver, it will cost one unit of equipment cost, and a 5KW AC servo motor with a driver must cost 15 units of cost, but if a 0.4KW servo motor and driver are used , With a set of reducers, it can achieve the aforementioned 15 unit costs to complete, saving more than 50% in operating costs.
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