Flender coupling BIPEX BWN112 127 142 162 182 F type plum blossom cushion elastomer distributer

Flender coupling BIPEX BWN112 127 142 162 182 F type plum blossom cushion elastomer distributer

Our company distributes Flender gear reducer and reducer accessories including: backstop, shaft, gear, oil seal, bearing, gear pump, etc.

Flender N-EUPEX Couplings

Model list

Coupling elastomer BWN227 Flender F53

Coupling elastomer BWN62-BIPEX elastomer F162

BWN72-flender coupling F97

Coupling elastomer BWN227-BIPEX coupling F43

BWN84-FLENDER elastomer F202

BWN182-BIPEX elastomer F53

BWN97 reducer plum blossom pad F62

BWN202-flender coupling F142

BWN202 polyurethane elastomer F182

BWN62 Flemish Coupling F97

BWN62 reducer plum blossom pad F72

BWN227-flender coupling F43

BWN227 Flemish elastomer F142

BWN162 Flender F227

BWN84 Flender F182

BWN112-flender coupling F162

BWN112-BIPEX coupling F127

BWN227-BIPEX elastomer F43

BWN142-FLENDER elastomer F202

BWN142 water pump plum wreath F112

BWN53 Flemish elastomer F112

BWN84-flender coupling F72

Coupling elastic body BWN62 reducer plum cushion F182

BWN72 Flemish Coupling F84

BWN202-FLENDER elastomer F202

BWN162-BIPEX coupling F97

BWN84 Flemish elastomer F53

BWN84 polyurethane elastomer F127

BWN142-BIPEX elastomer F112

BWN112-flender coupling F112

Coupling elastomer BWN43 polyurethane elastomer F227

BWN127 Flender F227

If you need ,please contact us.

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