What Are The Types Of Commonly Used Motors? The Characteristics Of Different Types Of Motors
1. DC motor
A DC motor generates a magnetic field by winding an excitation coil on the main magnetic pole of the stator and applying direct current to it. The armature winding of the rotor is also connected to direct current. The energized winding is placed in the magnetic field to output electromagnetic torque to drive the load. It is used in energy vehicles, and it is basically not used in new models.
1. Good control performance
2. The speed is easy to adjust
3. Mature technology
4. Low cost
1. The converter and the brush are independent, and the speed is not improved well
2. The brush is prone to failure
3. High maintenance costs
2. Asynchronous AC motor
Three-phase alternating current is input into the stator windings, and the excitation current in the stator windings generates a rotating magnetic field in the stator core. At this time, the induced current in the rotor windings passes and pushes the rotor to rotate. Although this kind of motor is fast, but the power is not high, it can be used on models with low load requirements.
1. Simple structure
2. High reliability
3. High speed
4. Low maintenance cost
1. Fast power consumption
2. The rotor is easy to heat up
3. Low power
4. Higher cost
3.Permanent magnet motor
Permanent magnet motors include permanent magnet synchronous motors and permanent magnet brushless DC motors. The rotors are made of permanent magnet materials, and the stator adopts three-phase winding. The permanent magnet synchronous motors are small in size and fast. Now the new models are large Part of them use this, permanent magnet brushless DC motors are generally used in low-power electric vehicles.
1. Larger torque and drive efficiency
2. No excitation loss
3. Does not generate too much heat
4. Simple structure
5. Small size
1. Permanent magnet demagnetization
⒉Higher cost
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